

Hello and welcome to my website. I'm a third-year undergrad at UMich studying physics and math. I write and code for fun. I'm also currently conducting research in computer vision, with broad interests in multimodal learning representations and human-interactive generation.

I like poetry, photography, cats, board games, pretty shapes, rain, music (of many types, but mainly jazz, classical, and the kind of bouncy indie pop that you can dance to -- I can't explain, here's my Spotify). I have some writings that you can read at /posts, and last year I wrote for the school newspaper.


I offer writing services and tutoring in math, physics, and computer science. Feel free to get in touch through email: I'm usually happy to talk about anything and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Other profiles: LinkedIn, LibraryThing, Github.


This site is written in Nuxt.js, and is statically hosted with Github Pages. Source code for the site can be found at this (Github repo).